Sunday, 7 September 2014

6 eras September: 1940s

The lovely sunny spring day we're having today must have influenced me, as I've picked a flowery 1940s number. Should be easily accomplished, now that I'm back at work and really only have the weekends.

I do, however have an epic outfit in mind. Very similar in style to the blue wedding dress I made last year, but there'll be more adornments and also a day and evening wear option. I made cute little miniatures to help visualise my concept: 

I'll be using a combination of Burda 7880: 

Simplicity 5457: 

And Truly Victorian patterns TV361 and TV170, which Rebecca graciously let me keep after finishing her dress. 



So, the idea is that they'll come out looking somthing like this: 

Hous of Worth, 1880s

And this: 

Mme, D Michaux, 1880s

I imagine this will take months and months, and I'll probably make a practise bodice or two, so this is definitely a long term project. Wish me luck!

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